Nantheia™ ATL5

Nantheia™ ATL5 combines Pharmaceutical Grade Cannabidiol Isolate and Ananda’s innovative patented Liquid Structure™ Technology that allows for a larger load of CBD. This formulation contains 10% CBD which translates to a 100 mg softgel.


Delivered in soft gelatin capsules that allow the CBD to be easily solubilized in aqueous intestinal fluids leading to rapid and efficient absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.


Each softgel delivers 100 mg of CBD.


Currently, Nantheia™ ATL5 is undergoing assessment in three FDA-approved Clinical Trials, addressing PTSD, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Opioid Use Disorder.


To enable placebo controlled clinical studies we have matching placebo for Nantheia™ ATL5.

At Ananda Scientific, we are dedicated to our commitment to address unmet medical needs for effective medicines to treat complex neuropsychiatric disorders.